Welcome to your new NOTsoBAD’s website.
We would like to welcome to our newly redesigned website. We hope that your find your experience with it will be both user friendly and enjoyable. Our main goal was to make the informations that we give to you easier to find and more timely.
Some of new features includes :
• Get connected :
The new site has modern layout and design, it is optimized to view it in multiples devices. So whatever you are on an iPad at home, Android Phone in the field, or using your PC, you’ll be able to join NOTsoBAD.
• Get social :
We focused on integrating social medias into every part of the site, so wherever you are you can share what you see with your friends.
• Get improvements :
New features added to improve our website are greater details about each item we make, a FAQ’s page to help answer some important questions you may have.
We hope that theses new things will enhance your visit to our site !